Saturday, September 27, 2008

Best birth control pills for acne

« ...So I did the fast when I got the chance, and to my surprise, on the 3rd day my skin was looking much clearer. After the fast had finished on the 4th day I looked in the mirror upon waking, and was delighted to see that my skin was clear - with only a few old marks left. These marks disappeared over the next few days......
...Second, acne laser removal is a type of procedure that does not cause a person a great deal of discomfort. In most cases, the amount of discomfort experienced by a person who undergoes this type of procedure is minimal. There is no significant recovery time at all associated with acne laser removal in this day and age....»
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«...Amongst the worst offenders can be the acne medical industry itself. They have made huge amounts of money telling suffers what they need and what they don't need and invariably, none of what they offer and or suggests, works for any decent lengths of time. The problem with the industry advise is that most, if not all of it, is designed to sell this weeks individual product and this sometimes counter-productive information can be do more harm to the skin than good. Yes, what they are selling will often clear up the problem, but it will only be for as long as you continue using the medication....»
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tags: black currant oil acne, successful treatment for severe adult acne, what do dermotologist say about acne

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