Monday, August 4, 2008

Best acne gel work overnight and home remedies for acne on the back

There you have the top five myths about acne that are still in existence today. Learning the real truth about acne is the best defense you have in fighting, prevention, and treatment.
The most common antibiotic for dealing with acne is tetracycline, which kills the bacteria that cause acne and helps to reduce the inflammation associated with it. These treatments can take weeks or even months and usually have to continue even after the acne has cleared up.
To a degree you are what you eat. I myself have had the most success when applying natural techniques. When using natural techniques you have the added advantage of improving your overall health at the same time - this way your time is more productively spent.
tags: how to prevent back and chest acne, best face wash for nodule acne, home remedy for acne

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