Thursday, July 3, 2008

Removing acne and what foods that help fight acne

If you decide to try makeup to cover of scarring and/or acne breakouts, stay away from products that clog pores. Use products that say they are "non-comedogenic, " which means that they don't clog pores. If you don't do this, you could choose a product that actually clog pores and can make your acne worse. Most often, products that are comedogenic contain oils, while those that are not are water-based so that they do not contribute to acne breakouts.
The researchers concluded that both salicylic acid and glycolic acid chemical peels are equally effective in acne treatment. Salicylic acid was able to continue its effectiveness and had lesser side effects than glycolic acid. Overall Alpha-hydroxy acid and Beta-hydroxy acid chemical peels are successful treatment of acne.
Make sure you always shower at least once per day. Also make sure that you take a shower after any activity that involves sweating. I know this sounds simple enough right? Yea well I had to say it, otherwise you might not know.
tags: neutrogena acne stress lotion reviews, acne during pregnacy what can you use to clear acne, acne and black headlaser

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