Monday, August 4, 2008

Homeopathic acne wash and home remedies to help treat acne

Everyone who has gone through adolescence has probably had an unfortunate encounter with acne. It's unappealing and irritating, overall acne is really unpleasant. Everybody has different levels of experience with acne. While some may never have it at all, most will have to deal with it as teenagers. However, many people will also experience acne issues on and off throughout their lives. For some unlucky people, acne is a persistent problem, something they deal with their entire lives, marring their self image and sabotaging their lives.
At a rough estimate, Acne Rosacea affects nearly 15 million people in the United States alone, a majority of them women like I said earlier, and most of them white. Why women contract Rosacea more than men remains a mystery, though some research has linked the condition to menopause. And women may be more affected but it is men who tend to develop more severe forms of Rosacea.
As with any surgical procedure, these treatments for acne scars are invasive and should only be performed after you understand the pain, cost, and risk involved. If you determine that a surgical treatment for acne scars is the right path for you, then you should do your homework and find a plastic surgeon with a good reputation and lots of experience in this matter.
tags: how to get rid of acne scarring, the cause of acne, cure acne naturally

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